Decked Halls 2023: Spider-Pool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17618

Decked Halls 2023.

Hey all - it's been a hectic year for the KennedyHawk family but I did update and pack 5 of my favorite decks to take with my on holiday vacation. Whether spending the season traveling to see family and friends or staying local I hope you get to play some of my favorite game - Marvel Champions. If you need to remove some holiday stress try building these decks designed to play together you can listen to the latest episode of MCM to get a run down on each deck but here's the TLDR for this one...

  • Another new year... another new aspect... another new aspect?? I know people probably expected a 'Pool Hawkeye deck from me but I've had a blast playing 'Pool Spidey.
  • Peter is the perfect hero to deal with the hazard icon you may want to maintain for some pool cards as he can cancel them with Enhanced Spider-Sense or benefit from the card draw an extra assault brings
  • Focus on what Spidey does best with more sustainability as Barely a Scratch often becomes more copies of backflip!
  • I like to throw down Live Dangerously and let the next deck deal with my crisis (See Shadowcat Clean-up deck :p)

Episode Link:


Jan 19, 2024 andyr · 5523

I was struggling with how to build a pool Spidey. This played so smoothly. And I loved the mental image of using his self confidence to grab a light saber