S.H.I.E.L.D. Babysits Groot

Card draw simulator

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Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

What if S.H.I.E.L.D. found Groot and raised him as their own?

In Marvel Champions, Groot is infamous for being a pretty bad hero. But what if S.H.I.E.L.D. nurtures Groot and teaches him good values so he can get enough growth counters to become a fine young man? This is the story of how the most underrated hero in the game defeated the strongest villain in the game.

Ronan Expert Playthrough: https://youtu.be/iHsx86e4nkc?si=tf-qsUf0haNgYCz9

Venom Goblin Expert Playthrough: https://youtu.be/H2gk-k16Vxs?si=_M41APQFSisonMy7

Tower Defense Expert Playthrough by Night of the Living Card Game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx5-xpIYgQU&ab_channel=NightoftheLivingCardGame


The focus of this deck is to build and manage threat, then burst down the villain in a single turn (I was able to OTK expert Venom Goblin with 31 damage). The S.H.I.E.L.D. archetype is one of the strongest in the game. It's extremely proficient at threat management/removal and at helping a hero who is reliant on their alter-ego to get set up. This archetype complements heroes who can protect themselves (Field Agent can voltron allies) and heroes who have high burst damage (Groot can hit for 10 damage with his 2 cost "I. AM. GROOT!" if he's maxed on growth counters).

Early Game

Get the S.H.I.E.L.D. cards out! Forget about Groot's cards. His upgrades have no synergy with this deck. I had 3 Groot upgrades out in my Venom Goblin game but ended up never using them. Don’t be afraid to lose growth counters here and use Groot’s basic defense/take attacks directly. The 3 copies of Homeland Intervention will be your main source of threat removal. If you have control of threat/minions, whittle down the villain's HP during this phase of the game.

Late Game

This is where we try to set up the kill shot. With so many upgrades/supports on the table, the deck is thinned out and Groot has 5 attack cards. This is where we try to save growth counters for Groot’s big attack. It’s okay to stall in alter-ego until you can get 2-3 damage cards, depending on how much is needed. This combined with a big attack from Dum Dum Dugan is enough to bring any villain down.

Groot's playstyle with S.H.I.E.L.D. is unique in that he's the one protecting the allies, and we don't chump block that often (only having 5 allies). Agent 13 is the most important card here because her ability to ready up a S.H.E.I.L.D. support helps with Global Logistics and Homeland Intervention’s exhaust requirements. In my Venom Goblin game, I voltroned Agent 13 with Field Agent to keep her on the table for most of the match (she was in play for 71 minutes from round 2 until the end of the game).


After experimenting S.H.I.E.L.D. cards with different heroes, I’ve come to the conclusion that nobody benefits from it as much as Groot! Let me know how this deck plays for you and if you’re on team Groot!


Dec 20, 2023 Sluggie · 4

Seems like a plausible setup for single player...

But for multiplayer, I found using 3x Government Liaison was great when using Dum Dum Dugan and Homeland Intervention, plus a few others. If they not buying a shield card they are exhausting to power them up. Also deck-thinning.

I found it more benefit of 3 in play than potential of dead card in play.

Whilst keeping Dum Dum Dugan at max power, also keeps Field Agents available for "cd" prevention and Agent 13 can straighten those for use by herself and Dum Dum Dugan. As unlikely to pull off a clean OTK in multi.

Dec 20, 2023 Alpo · 100

I've been following your decks lately and I wonder why you never use player side schemes. Your strategy seems to revolve around strong build up phase and then blast to the face once you are set up. Don't player side schemes help you build up while thinning your deck for late game?

I am thinking of Build Support and Superpower Training

Dec 20, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@Sluggie Thanks for the input! I’ve used this deck in multiplayer and I personally didn’t have any trouble finding S.H.I.E.L.D. cards to exhaust anytime I had things like Homeland Intervention, Dum Dum Dugan, etc. I also didn’t get much use out of Government Liason (it was often just an exhaust for Dugan like you suggested). Endgame I always had 3x Field Agent, 3x Surveillance Team, Helicarrier, and Government Liason on the table. The Surveillance Teams were an easy target to exhaust because they rarely got any use for Groot when fully built as he managed threat for 3 players easily.

The only non S.H.I.E.L.D. cards are Deft Focus, Avenger’s Mansion, and Under Surveillance which all see major play so I personally wouldn’t swap them out for more Government Liasons… and increasing the deck size weakens Groot’s early game where he struggles getting his board setup and doesn’t have big thwarting yet.

In multiplayer against expert Kang, this deck was able to do 39 damage in a turn to burst down over half of stage III and I only used one “I. AM. GROOT!”

Dec 20, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@Alpo Player side schemes are awesome! But a lot of times I see them as win-more cards. I could see Build Support being useful with Spider-Man Peter Parker, but in my Groot games I don’t have extra threat removal to spare early game, and once I’m fully built late game I don’t need the player side scheme anymore. Not sure if you’ve seen my Deadpool games as he’s the epitomy of the what you’re referring to about building up then blasting the face, but every game has been extremely close. I’m usually 1 threat away or 1 turn away from losing.

Player side schemes are a great addition and if you like them there’s no problem in using them. I think they’re fantastic against most scenarios but are difficult to clear against the tougher scenarios like expert Venom Goblin, Ronan, Magneto. I usually build decks with these 3 villains in mind, but that’s just a preference thing!

Dec 20, 2023 Honorary Marleyan · 1

Very cool build and great play through. Groot is a character i have been meaning to revisit. He seems to be quite the asset to S.H.I.E.L.D. If only he would check in with his Liaison now and again :P

Dec 20, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@Honorary Marleyan Hahaha. Thanks for checking out the deck! I totally overlooked Groot for awhile so hopefully he can get more shine. I hope you get some good games with him :)

Dec 21, 2023 chrisrivers13 · 1

@Web-Warrior Fanatic Wouldn't Sky Destroyer be a good addition? Not sure what you would take out though.

Dec 21, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@chrisrivers13 I personally find Sky Destroyer not as useful with Groot because he already has multiple sources of damage with his 5 attack events. It’s not a bad addition by any means if you like the card, I would recommend swapping it with either Avenger’s Mansion, Government Liason or just making a 41 card deck!

Dec 28, 2023 MasterKitFisto · 1

Can you use three government liaisons all on dum dum Dugan? I mean, can they stack?

Dec 28, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@MasterKitFisto Unfortunately, Government Liaison’s action requires that you play the card immediately so they can’t stack with one another. It’s a little different from Helicarrier, which we can exhaust without playing a card right away.

Dec 29, 2023 chrissychris34 · 1

Awesome deck, just played it with my buddy. Been really enjoying your decks and Youtube videos. Please keep them coming!

Dec 29, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@chrissychris34 Sweet! Super glad to hear that the deck worked well for you :)

I’ll definitely keep the Marvel Champions content coming!

Dec 30, 2023 Pickles · 32

I really appreciated your super grindy game vs Ronan, I love building, taking control then blasting down the villain's last stage in a turn. I'm not sure I'd call a 90 minute game a one turn kill though!

I actually came to say that while this style is pretty rare with the hero protecting the other assets it's not unique. I used to do it with a Peter Parker leadership deck that loaded up the allies. I also recently played an old (Jan 2020) Captain America Deck I'd forgotten about where I would keep allies alive with Medical Teams and ping 2 damage/thwart a turn. Some of my card evaluations from then seem suspect. I love making allies useful for something other than chump blocking! Anyhow good job with the Groot!

Dec 31, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14734

@Pickles I appreciate that! Thanks :)

I totally agree the Ronan game definitely wasn’t an OTK, that was a looonnng battle of attrition. I only mentioned OTK in reference to Venom Goblin’s stage III.

Also wanted to clarify that I never said that the concept of blocking for allies had never been done before or that this deck is unique in that way. The Spider-Man deck you’re describing sounds very cool! Although I’ve never played him that way, I can see how Peter’s highly defensive kit would work so well blocking for allies to keep them in play. Also love the concept of Med teaming allies, but I’ll be the first to admit I can’t resist chump blocking hahaha