Locke'd Down

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 4018

Stun-Locke? Confuse-Locke? Yes


Psylocke can do great things in any aspect, but Protection may be my favorite home for her. She already has incredible access to Confuse, and this deck compliments that with incredible access to Stun. With 8 stuns included (6 from events +2 from Iron Fist) on lower play counts you'll feel bad for the villain and how few activations they'll get. You'll also reliably stun Steady Villains using Tackle or Iron Fist during your turn and shutting them down with Psi-Flail Strike and Never Back Down on theirs.

But what about those turns where you’re missing one of those effects or you plan to flip down like you do? That’s where the always borderline broken AE ability comes in with cycling in Psionic allies.

For those unaware Psylocke’s AE ability let’s her shuffle in a Psionic CARD into her deck, not just her specific ones, meaning they are then primed to immediately get back a Psionic ally for the cost of exhausting a Psi-Energy.

I could never find a consistent spot for Karma in my decks until Psylocke came out. Now, they’re best friends, making me super happy whenever a non elite minion shows up. Make sure to call dibs on it in multiplayer. Remind your table not to kill their future chump blocker!

If all else fails and you really need a chump blocker, the best boy Lockjaw will be there when you need him.

Don’t sleep on cycling your cards in too, though. Nearly on demand Flurry of Blades is quite insane, and the fact once you have X-Gene and Team-Building Exercise out you can play 2 of them even from your 4 size hero hand (!) is ridiculous.

I will say this deck is geared with multiplayer in mind, but does exceptionally well solo. I have cleared Expert Klaw with him activating a grand total of two times. Encounter cards messed up a perfect game but what can ya do?

2 player is my favorite player count for this to show its strength but Psylocke has easily handled an entire villain activation in 4p (stunned - confused - defend and stun - stunned). More often at that play count you can easily manage 3 activations.

Lastly, blah blah stalwart bad blah blah have fun


Dec 10, 2023 TheBearDrew · 1

Just used this decklist against mansion attack and it did the trick superb. Able to consistently stun and confuse nearly every round to have one player in alt and the other in hero. Psylocke was even able to prevent shadows of the past, shes just insane at keeping the board managed. Thank you so much!

Dec 10, 2023 TheBearDrew · 1

Oh and karma bullied minion blob. Homie worked for me anytime he showed up

Dec 11, 2023 ClassyRobot · 4018

Glad it worked out for you @TheBearDrew! She’s amazing and really fun once you figure her sequencing out. And you made new friends with the brotherhood! Lol