One Way to Taunt [Justice/Protection]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jungle · 28

One Way to Taunt

Taunt is a new card that gives the villain a chance to attack us for the opportunity to draw 3 cards. Now with Spider-Woman we can work in some fun ways to draw a lot with her Double Agent Deck build where we can combine #Taunt and One Way or Another to boost our stats and draw more cards. Giving us a chance to find our Pheromones and Venom Blast to fully maximize our stats to 5 and deal with the scheme we put out and with a 3x Self-Propelled Glide we can activate a couple of times with the boosts.

We have a couple of defense events so we can combine with the taunt and trigger the benefits.

Not Today! - Let us remove 2 threats from a scheme that we put in play with OWoA. Probably putting it in range for #Clear the area to trigger too. Never Back Down- Give us the chance to stun the villain if we don’t find our pheromones. Desperate Defense gives us a ready so we can abuse our stats boosts.

Allies: Brother Voodoo Will help us find events we have 24 events in our deck, so chances are very high. Cypher gives us a card every time he attacks and deal damage to a confuse enemy. (We have around 5 confuses in our deck.) Monica Chang and two Surveillance Team for putting the schemes in range of Clear the Area in Solo play.

Resource Generators: 2x Finesse, Deft focus and Helicarrier so we can play more event in our turn. I think this deck can work well in 1-2 players maybe changing 2 clear the areas for Multitasking also the deck struggles against heavy minions so bringing a Minion Slayer deck and aggression partner would help a lot. I need to keep testing it but I wanted to put it out there. If you have any recommendations or changes to do feel free to comment below. I want to get better at deck building for this game so any suggestion too for it would be great. Try the deck and have fun!


Sep 27, 2023 dr00 · 45813

One Way or Another and Taunt are just so unfair to be in the same deck lol

Sep 27, 2023 Jungle · 28

@dr00 Right!? It's crazy and the fact that Taunt is not limited to 1 per turn is even crazier!!

Sep 28, 2023 journeyman2 · 26600

I love Spider-Woman and this seems to be a neat little turbo-draw niche to get her to 5/5/5 more often!

Sep 28, 2023 Jungle · 28

@journeyman2 It does work!