Rocket's Upgraded Starter Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shetenonu · 1097

This list is intended be a "budget" edit, upgrading Rocket's pre-built starter deck using only the Core Set and the campaign expansions through Rocket Raccoon's release (RotRS and GMW).

Rocket's abilities want us to focus on dealing excess damage and discarding TECH Upgrades to draw cards. The GMW rulebook also suggests to "go Looking for Trouble to hunt down minions, blast them away using a powerful Hand Cannon, and Follow Through with extra excess damage" so I will keep that in mind for this build.

Keeping the above in mind, I first took out cards that do not strongly align with the strategy (Chase Them Down and Bug). I then added in stuff that I like from the Core Set: Combat Training, The Power of Aggression, and Helicarrier.

Finally, I cut out 1 Into the Fray.

This build might have difficulty with keeping threat off of schemes. If that happens I might swap out Groot and Flora and Fauna for cards that are better at thwarting (adding back in Chase Them Down?).