Captain America - America’s Ass(hole)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

widowmaker93 · 1

The basics of the deck are to control the board of minions or schemes using Cap and his allies. Aggression now has arguably the best allies in the game and Steve Rogers makes them cheaper T1. The deck is built to generate lots of damage or a decent amount of thwarting turn to turn. Cap’s ‘I can do this all day’ ability, Brawn, She-Hulk, and Agent 13 are all great for taking side schemes down quickly or keeping the main scheme in check. Jarnbjorn is secretly the best card in the deck. Combined with Cap’s ability to basic attack multiple times, and the Super-Soldier Serum it can dish out huge amounts of incremental damage over the course of the game.

Cap, with only 11 HP doesn’t like to take a lot of hits, so I’ve found that defending nearly every attack and letting the allies do their job of attacking and thwarting is best. Cards like Agent 13, Mockingbird, and Heroic Strike keep the villain from being able to attack, further lengthening the number of turns you can stay in Hero form. Hall of Heroes is great for generating huge burst turns and lots of card advantage against the villain deck. Against villains like Rhino or The Wrecking Crew this is almost useless, so probably should just be used as a resource(depending on the module being used, of course).

Play around with the build! I’m sure it can be adjusted for whichever villain you are facing at the time.

Cards on the cutting block -

Melee - haven’t actually played It too often. Could easily be dropped for Battle Fury or Chase Them Down if the right situation calls for them.

Skilled Strike - good card, but can easily be dropped to 2x or even removed completely as better cards come out. It’s essentially another Jarnbjorn strike which is fine, but nothing to write home about. It is free though, so there is something to be said there.