25 Lucky Pennies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wbxm3 · 81

A No Quarter deck that capitalizes on all the discards. Once the supports and upgrades are set up, 16 out of 28 cards will react to being discarded by No Quarter. With Honed Technique and Follow Through, No Quarter will deal 6 damage plus one extra excess damage, so leave a minion with 1 hp and discard 6 cards.

Probability Field is a high-priority early game card as thwarting can be difficult early on, but Professor X and Psylocke can throw out some confuses to make flipping safer. While in alter-ego, use Weapon X to discard some more, grab what you need from The Painted Lady and Pip the Pug, and use Hall of Heroes for big turns.