Just(-ice) Another Repurpose Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1139

Yet another Repurpose deck. Sorry! But they're fun!

As Spider-Woman has two aspects it means she can combine Repurpose with Tech upgrades that others can't.

Pairing Protection with Justice gives a few advantages:

  • Access to confuse and Under Surveillance means it is safer to switch to alter-ego. This also means you can gain a few extra resources.
  • A couple more Techs from Sonic Rifle give you extra targets for Repurpose.
  • Extra draw power from One Way or Another helps to smooth out the combos. Having multiple Repurpose and readies in one turn multiplies the damage!

Besides that Spider-Woman gives you plenty of resources to play your upgrades, particularly once Finesse is in play. With the protection cards there is plenty of damage mitigation / healing and Justice nicely rounds out the thwarting.

It can have a bit of trouble with minions when you don't have Venom Blast, but you can usually clear them with basic attacks, Energy Barrier, allies, and Repurpose if needs be.

The allies can block attacks if needed or just round out your damage / thwart to keep it under control. Brother Voodoo is great for both Repurpose and Spider-Woman (to get Pheromones or an aspect you did not play yet that turn). Quake can be useful as you often switch to alter-ego and Wiccan combos nicely with Spider-Woman's alter-ego ability.

I did keep upgrades that are not for Repurpose to a minimum, as it reduces the amount of time you spend setting up. Finesse is a priority, then you should try to set up a Tech upgrade or two. In previous builds I had tried out more of the Spy support to allow more turns in alter-ego, but it was super slow.

Pitching Sonic Rifle for Repurpose may seem expensive, but it depends on the situation. Sometimes you have plenty of ways to confuse, so it is better to use it for extra damage. Or, it simply provides enough damage to end the game (either via Repurpose or simply using it on an already confused villain).

Later on you can set up high-damage turns, especially if starting in alter-ego. You can get a card from Jessica Drew's Apartment, before switching and playing One Way or Another. The extra draws really help to find Repurpose when you need it and get multiple aspects to power Spider-Woman's Superhuman Agility ability.

I tested this solo and it was working well so far and I imagine it should scale up well enough to multiplayer. Let me know how it goes if you try it out!