She-Hulk - New to the Game

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


My last deck I made was intended for my friend who is new to Marvel Champions. At present, he only owns the core box but is looking at picking up Sinister Motives. I got to thinking about Core characters working exclusively from that box and Sinister Motives and started pondering this She-Hulk SHIELD/Symbiote deck.

The plan here is for She-Hulk to handle absorbing a lot of the damage and flipping down regularly to heal and manage threat with her Alter-Ego ability and Superhuman Law Division, then flip back and start pummeling again. Her allies should do double duty of helping handle threat as well as dealing damage. With a little set up of SHIELD cards, Dum Dum Dugan can become a beast and Venom will be a welcome boost as well. Both of them will benefit from the 3 First Aid cards.

Symbiote Suit and Avengers Mansion can seriously improve her hand size, giving her more resources for some of the expensive cards, and more options to help deal with the increased issues caused by having Symbiote Suit and Venom in play at the same time.

Symbiote Suit can certainly help set up massive Gamma Slam hits more easily, especially with her soaking damage.