Dive Bombing the Promoted Gatekeeper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spinnerrogers · 73

This is a multiplayer aggression deck abusing the Dive Bomb + Honed Technique combo.

I think Nova utilizes the combo particularly well, since Supernova Helmet gives consistent access to the resource.

We have Melee to also take advantage of Honed Technique, and Pitchback to really lean into the Aerial theme.

We also have recursion with The Locust and Assault Training to keep the Dive Bomb train going.

But perhaps, most fun of all, we have Gatekeeper. A Honed Dive Bomb or Melee can be a bit overkill in many cases, so you might as well slap a Gatekeeper on a minion (that'll still die) and get some big threat removal while you're at it. Doesn't get much more fun than promoting some "lucky" Badoon Grunt only to immediately hit'em with a Honed Dive Bomb.