Storm - 5 Mutants and 2 Avengers walk into a bar...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Storm - 4 Mutants, 2 Avengers and a Dog walk into a bar... 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet


I tweaked this deck to remove a few cards that were not working as strongly as I'd hoped.

Your goal here is still to build up some powerful allies who will do most of the damage while Storm manages threat and defense. To do so, you will want to get Storm's Crown and/or Storm's Cape in play.

Wolverine, Sentry and She-Hulk set up with Honorary X-Men, Boot Camp and Attack Training are a force to be reckoned with and her X-Men allies all benefit from them as well in addition to being good blocking cards. Professor X can provide some much needed help with threat and provide another block.

Once you have some damage increases on your allies, putting out a Blizzard can reduce incoming damage while still hitting hard. When switching to alter-ego, Thunderstorm gives your allies a chance to lay out some damage while being safer from enemies attacking with the damage bonus.