Ironheart Leadership - Precon upgrade

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Buttons · 147

This is a bit of an upgrade to the precon. There are two themes that Ironheart's pre-con is playing with: aerial ally synergy, and combining her big stats. Using cards like Go All Out combined with R&D Facility are late-game plays, so we've paired down some of those cards for better allies and support.

For the allies and ally support, we add in Air Supremacy, a card that can come in very handy when dealing with a lot of enemies. With even just one aerial ally out, you're playing Melee for 1 cheaper. Command Team pairs great with Cloud 9, you can boost every other aerial character's thwart by 2 without her taking any consequential damage. Nova's deck also comes with two cards that are incredible for Ironheart, Moon Girl (which pairs nicely with all of her science resources) and "Go for Champions!". Go For Champions can help get another exhaust out of Brawn, and bringing another free resource. That card also makes Command Team even more useful to get multiple uses out of your beefy allies without taking any consequential.

I used this deck to beat the Core and Wave 1 scenarios on expert, paired with Captain Marvel Protection.