Spider-Woman - S.H.I.E.L.D. Goes All Out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JudgeMoth · 8

Spider-Woman can have some impressive turns with Go All Out, especially if you have the card draw to find all 4 aspects in one turn. Combined with a SHIELD package to thwart for cheap while you set up, this deck bides its time to drop a bomb on the villain. Tested against solo Expert Loki and won confidently.

The Deck

  • Strength In Numbers and One Way or Another give massive card draw to find what you need in the moment, and Spider-Woman's identity cards offer a lot of flexibility.

  • Maria Hill, Ironheart, and Kaluu add more draw to find the aspect cards you need, offer a cheap chump block when you need one, and make Strength In Numbers easier to build up to.

  • Homeland Intervention offers big thwart for cheap, ignores Confusion and can even be played in Alter-Ego. Monica Chang helps thin the deck and quickly activate Homeland Intervention. The Triskelion and Maria Hill add even more targets from Leadership.

  • Go All Out is the star of the show here, everything else is just supporting it. The big card draw this deck has digs for aspect cards to boost Spider-Woman as high as 5/5/5, and the cheap events help you play as many aspect cards during one turn as you can. With Self-Propelled Glide, you can even ready after Go All Out and play another one if you have it for a huge bomb!


Your goal in the beginning of the game is to activate Homeland Intervention as fast as possible. With The Triskelion, Maria Hill, Monica Chang, Surveillance Team and even your Alter-Ego sporting the SHIELD tag, getting to 3 SHIELD cards fast shouldn't take as long as you might think.

With Homeland Intervention's whopping 6 thwart for 0, you have plenty of time to find your resource generators and allies. Use One Way or Another when you can afford it, and use Strength In Numbers whenever you can, even if it only draws a couple cards. All this card draw lets you dig for upgrades and whatever you need in the moment.

The combination of Contaminant Immunity, Pheromones and cheap chump blockers gives you a lot of staying power. It also gives you the flexibility needed against Stalwart villains.

Once set up with your resource generators and plenty of allies, turn your focus toward Go All Out. Use your card draw to dig for it and as many different aspect cards you can play in one turn. It's possible to boost Spider-Woman as high as 5/5/5, but in my experience you're much more likely to settle at 4/4/4. Once boosted, use Go All Out to hit the villain for up to a whopping 15 damage. If you have Self-Propelled Glide, you can ready again for a basic activation, or if you're lucky a second Go All Out in the same turn!

Final Notes

I'd appreciate any feedback. I mostly play duos, so I don't have the best frame of reference for decks tested in solo. I haven't played this in duos yet, but I really feel this deck would be strong in multiplayer as well with its flexibility.