Iron Man / Leadership - Core Set Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iron Man - Ciclo 1 0 0 0 1.0

CardboardChampions · 582

An Iron Man / Leadership deck built only from the core set cards.

The burden of Leadership falls to Iron Man in this setup, and that's for one primary reason - Iron Man is slow to set up. You often want to spend a lot of time early in the game tinkering with your suit and preparing to go to war, and that makes it difficult to help out. That's where Leadership comes in. Even while you're in Alter-Ego, cards like Get Ready, Make the Call, and First Aid are all playable without requiring you to go into hero form with a terrible hand size. You should still suit up and flip to Hero form occasionally to stop the threat escalating too wildly, but feel free to duck out to Alter-Ego on turns where nobody else is doing the same, and don't be afraid to spend a turn without flipping - Iron Man needs to get his armour in play as soon as humanly possible.

You'll know you've won the game when your suit's in play and you're thwarting for massive amounts of threat while blowing up minions and the villain's face, all at once.

If Maria Hill is in your discard pile, play Make the Call at the start of the first player's turn to make the entire table draw. If she's in play, throw her under the bus to protect one of your teammates (or yourself) from a villain attack, and then Make the Call to bring her back at the start of the next hero phase. It's your most powerful tool, and you should expect to do it a lot while playing this deck.

You can see the rest of the decks from the core set and read more about them in our article.


Sep 09, 2022 Amlai100 · 1

Thank you for the deck!