Spider-Man/Aggression - Core Set Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 620

A Spider-Man / Aggression deck build from only core set cards.

Peter Parker is great at generating resources with his Web-Shooter, and the Aggression cards in the core set box are surprisingly expensive. With his Spider-Tracer and Relentless Assault, he can set minions up and knock them down for massive value. You've got an extra Combat Training - one is for you, and the other should be given to someone else. Literally anyone works as a good target for this - the Protection player has Counter-punch, Iron-Man can ready himself, multiplying the card's effectiveness. She-Hulk's basic attack is extremely high, and she can ready herself after attacks as well. So look at who's attacking a lot, and pass them that upgrade as early as possible.

You can see the rest of the decks from the core set and read more about them in our article.