Nye Bevan's Legacy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Old Ben · 1098

This deck is my first draft at a Dr Strange Justice deck. I've been playing him a lot on Leadership and want to take something of what I learnt from that process into constructing a new deck for him as justice.

They key I have found with Dr Strange is that he doesn't need too much help from his aspect, and that most of the time you're going to be spending a lot of your focus on playing his signature cards as they're just better than anything any aspect has to offer. However, where he can struggle is with a sort of "death by a thousand cuts" when he gets swamped by too many small allies or side schemes that his big bomb cards are wasted on.

I find Leadership is a natural fit for this, as you can just use a small number of allies to handle the little stuff whilst the great draw engine that it provides helps you play more of your signature cards. (And that's not to mention Get Ready on Wong, which is pure gold!)

However, this deck is an attempt to see whether Justice can provide a similar set of answers. After Leadership I think it has the best set of allies. Whilst they're not Hawkeye or Squirrel Girl good at dealing with minions, Daredevil and Quake give you some of that same functionality.

There's also a nice synergy with Concussive Blow and Vapors of Valtorr, allowing you to stun the villain, and giving you a low damage attack so you don't feel like you're wasting as much effect on minions.

Another key aspect of this deck is the resource icon spread. There's a lot of in there, which is going to allow you to get the most damage out of Magic Blast - whilst the stun and concussion effects are nice, they can quite often ends up wasted if you're also casting Images of Ikonn or Crimson Bands of Cyttorak in the same turn.

I also want to try out Great Responsibility with this deck, theoretically on the turns that you cast Seven Rings of Raggadorr it can give you some good mileage, but I also wonder if Foiled! is just a better option in most cases. I'll report back when I've had a few games and seen how it goes.