She-Hulk "Gentle" 'Aggression' by Methos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Methos · 325

Jennifer Walters is a smart and successful woman who can be ruthless in the courthouse just as much as she can be on the battlefield. She can Thwart your scheming plans with 'Gentle Aggression', or She-Hulk can just smash you down like a bug on a windscreen. It really depends on her mood. She will happily take a punch, but if you have swung at her, make sure you are ready for the comeback! Gamma Slam forgives no one!

Side note - if you are playing against a villain deck with a lot of minions, it is advisable to swap the 3x Skilled Strike for 3x Melee