SCL903 - ScW - Get Behind the Broom of Doom V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
SCL903 - ScW - Get Behind the Broom of Doom 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

Results Vs Standard 1 (opted to take the least risky route vs a nasty scenario). Link to youtube playlist with plays from this round.

  • G1. Win - 4 turns, clean board, 13 HP
  • G2. Win - 6 turns, clean board, 12 HP
  • G3. Win - 4 turns, clean board, 11 HP

Details for this round

  • Solo Champions League Season 9, Round 3 - Infiltrate the Museum + Running Interference + Galactic Artifacts (01/02/22-01/22/21)
  • Hero: Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk or Star-Lord
  • Aspect: Protection
  • Units: 4 [GMW Marketplace]

Proxies and market cards:

Design considerations

  • The deck typically wins in 4-6 rounds and can afford to have a high-impact ally or two hit the collection
  • Prefer not to flip, so Running Interference can be absolutely terrible. This is where Get Behind Me! can really save you from some of the double "When Revealed" effects on some of the treacheries.
  • On Standard, Collector doesn't hit that hard, especially on Stage 1, so you don't need to prioritize chump blocking to the same degree you usually wood
  • Because of the unpredictable card draw of Hex Bolt, you want to have some cheaper cards.
  • The games are fast enough that you will rarely try to get The Sorcerer Supreme out.