Ms. Marvel Justice for Solo League Season 0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matlockheed · 1

Just a quick Justice deck put together so I can play in the BGG League.


Jun 18, 2020 Bowser · 37

Looks good. For solo, I'd drop the Heroic Intuition. I like it in multiplayer where I can play it on other characters like Iron Man or Captain America. And I'm really not a fan of Tenacity. With the three slots, I'd add at least one Under Surveillance, and a Stealth Strike or two.

Jun 18, 2020 matlockheed · 1

Thanks for the comments. Under Surveillance and Stealth Strike are unfortunatley from Black Widow and Thor respectively, so I don't have either one.

Personally, I love Tenacity though.. It's routinely saved me in a few cases where I absolutely needed to de-exhaust or just need to clear Confusion/Stunned. It's a little pricey and could probably go down to just 1, but until I have a few other sets in my collection, my card pool is a bit limited.

I'm also not particularly in love with Concussive Blow (which is pricey and needs physical energy to be worth it) or Followed (which is really situational). I somewhat agree about Heroic Intuition as I almost never thwart to remove threat from the Hero. I'd probably add "Recovery " instead to allow for a little more ability to cheaply heal.