Main Scheme. Stage 1
Contents: Absorbing Man (I) and Absorbing Man (II). Absorbing Man and Standard encounter sets. One modular encounter set (Hydra Patrol).
Setup: Discard cards from the encounter deck until an environment is discarded. Put that card into play and shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
Christopher Jones
The Rise of Red Skull #79. Absorbing Man #4.
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Main Scheme. Stage 1
Starting Threat: 2.
Escalation Threat: 1.
Threat: 12.
Forced Response: After resolving step one of the villain phase, place 1 delay counter here.
Forced Interrupt: When an environment enters play, discard each other environment card in play.
If this stage is completed, the players lose the game.
Christopher Jones
The Rise of Red Skull #79. Absorbing Man #4.

- None Shall Pass : None Shall Pass The Rise of Red Skull #79
- None Shall Pass The Rise of Red Skull #79
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