Simple Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marvel Chumpions · 168

After every new expansion, I want to see how I can make Hulk shine like other heroes. Of course Hulk shine with dmg output, but that's basically it. After thinking on it, I think I finally figured out what makes him work. Unlike other Heroes in the game, Hulk is incredibly straight forward which it think may throw people off... I know I was. But I had to come to terms that when in Hero form, Hulk plays one card that turn and that's it. Because of this, why get low cost cards, but rather stuff it full of 3 cost cards like his kit has. You play one card, but it's going to be a good card. Though you don't play as many cards, I think it feels more streamlined and with Justice, it really covers some of Hulk's weakness without hurting his dmg output. Since he has the highest health, you have to use it as a resource to stall THW. Here are the key points

  • Hulk Smash is Hulks best card and generally needs to be priority number 1
  • Concussive Blow is priority 2. Not only does it dmg, but add confuses gives Hulk a safety net (safe as you can get in MC) to flip, heal, and prep for a big turn.
  • Quincarrier/ Helicarrier is priority number 3 with Quincarrier taking the preferance. There will be several times that you won't use them, but can really help play potential 2 cards on your turn or help with the physical only stipulations some cards have.
  • Everything else is situational and play them to address the concern that's present.

This deck can work in solo and multiplayer and I think the concept of 3 cost cards can be applied to the other aspects with strong results, but I think Justice is probably to most well rounded.