She-Hulk/Justice - Detective Work

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Deathseed · 2

A multiplayer intended Jen deck with gobs of thwarting power. I find Shulky works great with Justice, so use those Concussive Blows and Invulnerabilities to keep the villain stymied until she can get her team of allies, detectives, police, and lawyers in place to do all the scut work.

Then go to town smashing minions, while the villain flails about uselessly. Let her get bloodied up good, then gamma slam him in the gob, punch him again for good measure with One-Two Punch and Super-Human Strength, flip to heal and use that Down Time, then come back next turn for more punching.

She's got enough damage to manage the villain, but she's better off whacking mooks most of the time. Bring a beatstick (like Thor) to the game to really lay the hammer down (wink, wink) on the villain while Jen's legal team keeps anything vaguely resembling scheming from happening.

Not optimized yet, but a decent baseline for the theme I think.