She-Hulk - Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rayvern · 39

testing a heavy draw SH-L


May 09, 2021 Brian-V · 45208

Looks good, if you're interested for comparison...

May 15, 2021 rayvern · 39

Thanks :) - by the looks of it, this aligns more with your V3.0. I have been rather enjoying this applying this Leadership concept across some other Heroes, but it just seems to suit SH so well :D.

I have taken the streamlining further in a v4 of this deck now though - stripping out the TeamBuild and Rapid Response for an additional Ally and Recuperation (I really like that last one for this deck - her REC just makes it great value).