Hulk no need resource cards!!!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

turtles04 · 756

I'll keep it short and sweet. This is an extremely lean Hulk deck. Don't even worry about the threat. Just stomp the villain into the ground.

Assess the situation is there to help give Hulk a bigger hand size for his next turn.

Beat 'em up is to knockoff toughness cards.

Helicarrier and enchanced physique are there for resources.

Ironheart is a cheap blocker and card draw

The other 4 allies have the avengers keyword so If you have 1 on the table use Earth's mightiest heroes to ready Hulk.

This deck is all about keeping Hulk on his feet and dealing big damage.

Have fun!