SCL Season 5 Round 2 - Black Widow vs Klaw + Hydra Assault [

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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L3w15 7 · 11422

SCL Season 5 Round 2 - Black Widow vs Klaw + Hydra Assault [Standard]

This is a very uninspired deck I decided to play this week. I chose aggression to make sure I won quickly, and tried to build the strongest aggression deck I could for this scenario.

As a hero black widow is generally very strong, but as standard is relatively easy to win, the real strength is winning quickly, which black widow isn't good at at all. Preparations by nature are wasted value in a short game since any left in play at the end of the game were "wasted".

I chose to focus on the highest value damage cards I could see in aggression to make sure I was consistently chipping away. There's a sub-theme here of attacking with your hero - bug, hand cannon and skilled strike all reward you for this. Really, this deck has no business being a black widow deck at all since there's very little synergy with any of her kit and it would probably work better with another hero who prefers attacking.

This week Black Widow had to be played though, and I felt like an low synergy "weak" aggression deck would still win faster than a high synergy justice/leadership deck on a relatively easy scenario.

I don't recommend this deck for anything other than precisely this Solo Champions League scenario.