I'm Flippin' Angry!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StayOnTheLeader · 2019

Watch it: She-Hulk is flipping out!!!

Surprise Attack, Toe to Toe, One-Two Punch, Skilled Strikes... this deck EXPLODES out of the gates and you'll frequently be doing 15+ damage on the first turn... and it's a similar story any time you flip back from Alter Ego to bring the Hulk again having stocked up on cards. There's a real tempo here to the flips, with you ducking back down into AE to draw up a big hand and control threat or recover, before hurling extreme violence at the villain again the turn after.

I've successfully blitzed down a lot of villains in 3-4 turns with just pure damage, but with Superhuman Law Division and Focused Rage there's also been games where I can be more controlling of threat and bide my time for the big Gamma Slam finish.

I know it's not the ultimate deck - after smashing through a ton of villains she hit a brick wall against Ultron III, for example - but it's EXTREMELY fast and explosive, and actually surprisingly consistent.