Maria Hill to the resuce

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SquigglyDiagram · 1

So this was my first take on a Scarlet Witch deck. At first, I wanted to make a heavy avengers ally build. With team building exercise and avengers tower , easily doable. However, I found one issue. These new basic cards were making me flustered since how good they were.

What did I do? After about an hour of scratching my head, I thought of how I wanted my strategy to work. In my three player game , I wanted to provide as much extra card advantage to myself and friends as possible. So what better way then to then with Maria Hill. Being a cheap ally, with good twarthing, I wanted her on the board as much as possible.

This is where my brain kicked in. Just make a basic deck. You have superior draw power with Spiritual Mediation, Wanda's alter ego ability , Mansion and Hill. Tie those in with make the call, so after she did her duty, I could easily just call for an action to play said make the call, get her back out and provide even more cards for the team.

Here's the bread and butter. Maria Hill- She's one of the 3 combo pieces. I essentially dug for her if I didn't see her turn one. I always wanted her out, maximizing my card draw a turn

Make the call/ Rapid response- After digging for Maria, I dug for one of these two. Preferably make the call since I can use that on my teammates turn since it is an event(unless I was playing wrong this whole time). Rapid response was also a good second option if I somehow failed to see make the call with my million card draws. Also provides a good defensive play if I'm low on health and my treachery card is where the villain attacks me again. Maria would do her duty and take one for the team.

It's a pretty easy strategy and easy set up, but I was thrilled how the deck worked out. In all card games, I love drawing cards more than anything so this suited my playstyle very well. If you enjoy having full hand control, I'd really advise this deck!