Ant-Man - Colorless Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sploosh · 60

This deck will only get better with time, since more future colorless cards will improve it. The deck wants to ramp early, and the power in all of us helps with that.

One thing a ramp deck wants is to handle scheming, because drawing 6 cards a turn is very important. The beat cops give you the option to stay in alter ego early/late when necessary.

Team building exercise is probably at its best with Ant man, but I found more than one clumsy at times.

I might take out quake when the Scarlet Witch allies come out. She is definitely the least exciting card currently.

This might be obvious for anyone experienced with ant man, but try to never end the phase in Giant form. It’s fine to use the form, but it slows you down a lot. You want to focus on card draw + thwarting early game.

The power in all of us is less of a dead card because you are encouraged to always use Lockjaw as a resource.

Lastly, one strength of this deck is wilds resources. You’ll be pleasantly surprised using Lay down the law or his gauntlets.


Feb 07, 2021 Tage40k · 14

I like this deck a lot, I run a very similar deck but with aggression. I'm still not on the lockjaw train yet but may try him out now.