Hulk Protection Solo (SCL S4R1)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sidehatch · 9

3 wins against Solo Crossbones Standard in less than 5 rounds each game.

I will warn you that I likely got pretty lucky in my three games. I played the deck more like an Aggression deck to try to avoid having to draw too many encounter cards. The key is playing powerful damage cards like Momentum Shift, Tackle and Counter-Punch combined with Hulk's already aggressive hero cards. I also focused heavily on Physical resources to maximize Hulk's resource triggers. Assess the Situation came in handy for some of those awkward hands.

I originally was going to run Miles Morales and Ironheart but my Wasp pack didn't arrive Friday at my FLGS like I expected it to. If you have Wasp, cut Brother Voodoo and Endurance for those.

I didn't do any testing before hand (not much free time this weekend) so I don't know how the deck performs over a wider array of games.

If you try it let me know how it does for you and any feedback you have!