Ant-Man - A Mean Swinging Skilled Swarm of Strength

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Beardy_McMarvel · 1396

This deck has performed well in Multiplayer and Solo. It utilises Ant-Man's ability to change form a lot, and gives low cost stat boosts so you can do some insane combos. With Jarnbjorn and combat training down, when in Giant form with the help of a mean swing and skilled strike you can be doing a basic attack of 9.

Tenacity, Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Swarm Tactics enable a lot of readying yourself some boost those base stats comes it to its own.

Hall of Heroes allows you to build for a big combo later in the game.

Let me know what you think!