Jess Draw and Tron-Cpt Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AxeləxA · 24

The idea of ​​this deck is to get Captain Marvel ally out as the main attacker as quickly as possible. To do this, the draw cards are there to speed up digging through the deck: Brother Voodoo, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, avenger's mansion. It will then have to be kept in play as long as possible using the following cards: Med team, team training and inspiring presence. Its usefulness will be boosted by: Inspired, sky Cycle and power gloves.

Spider-woman will be mainly used in defense with the help of the following cards: Armored vets, Clea and contaminant immunity for his survival and electrostatic armor to injure while protecting himself. She will wait for opportunities to be able to attack and these opportunities will be provided by the following cards, among others: Indomitable, self-propelled glide, Mockingbird, pheromone ...

Black widow and finesse form a very effective combo against treachery. Hawkeye (bishop) allows not to waste resources given the amount of draws in this deck The Triskelion is there to keep Captain Marvel, Black Widow, and Hawkeye in play while spinning a 4th ally.

L'idée de ce deck, c'est de sortir le plus vite possible l'allié captain Marvel comme attaquant principal. Pour ce faire, les cartes de pioche sont là pour accélérer à creuser à travers le deck : Brother Voodoo, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, avenger's mansion. Il faudra ensuite la maintenir en jeu le plus longtemps possible et ce à l'aide des cartes suivantes : Med team, team training et inspiring presence. Son utilité sera boostée par : Inspired, sky Cycle et power gloves.

Spider-woman sera principalement utilisée en défense avec l'aide des cartes suivantes : Armored vets, Clea et contaminant immunity pour sa survie et electrostatic armor pour blesser en se protegeant. Elle attendra les occasions de pouvoir attaquer et ces occasions seront amenées entre autre par les cartes suivantes : Indomitable, self-propelled glide, Mockingbird, pheromone...

Black widow et finesse forment un combo très efficace contre les traîtrises. Hawkeye ( bishop) permet de ne pas gaspiller de ressource vu la quantité de pioche dans ce deck Le triskelion est là pour garder captain Marvel, Black widow et Hawkeye en jeu tout en faisant tourner un 4ème allié.


Dec 26, 2020 dr00 · 43745

really fun deck! i definitely like that you're only opting for 1 inspired/gloves/skycycle. see a lot of decks that are running 2 that just end up clogging your hand later cos they have no plan for the extra copies

Dec 26, 2020 BeatDGameMC · 2433

finess cannot pay for the ability of black widow ability only an aspect card.

you can check out my spider woman draw your life deck that will knock your socks off. that has 100% focus on cpt marvel and averages 9-18 damage or twart per turn with the cpt marvel ally only enjoy