***Error: Aspect Not Loaded***

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pr0fHex · 83

Basic is good. Basic is really good. In vision, it may be better than any aspect out there. He's one of the more flexible heroes out there and assigning him an aspect reduces that flexibility a bit for marginal gain in one particular aspect. His events are already good on their own (1 cost for 3 thwart, 3 cost for 7 damage or 5 thwart) and he can pretty much find what he needs when he switches form. With the development (over development?) of the basic aspect, running a deck with no aspect not only is viable, but incredibly strong and maybe the strongest possible way to use him.

So, this deck is filled with allies and resource generators. All the usual suspects are here and with 2 Power in All of Us, there's enough to pay for them. You'll have a ton of flexibility with this deck and will be able to find the event that you need whenever you need it. So much so that I was able to remove the advanced glider 3 times in a win over expert VG.

This deck has defeated on the first try Expert Thanos, VG, and Magneto. I loathe playing Ronan, but I feel confident that it could handle that task as well.


Mar 24, 2025 boomguy · 2773

I'm always happy to see Vision getting the love he deserves! Fun deck.

Mar 24, 2025 Pr0fHex · 83

Ha ha. Thanks. I appreciate the love from the most well known Vision fan out there. You've won me over to him. He's a lot of fun.

Mar 25, 2025 boomguy · 2773

@Pr0fHex Glad to hear he is gaining fans! He’s so good!