Basic Repurpose

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
IronŁeb 0 0 0 1.0

Web-Warrior Fanatic · 20632

Basic Repurpose

My favorite version of the classic Iron Man Repurpose build. Leaning into basic cards, The Power in All of Us, and Moon Girl to get built out quick and early and using Repurpose with Plasma Pistols/Energy Barriers to go for lethal. I'm not a big fan of the inconsistency of Repulsor Blast so this deck is all about avoiding it.

Increasing Handsize

Iron Man has an atrocious handsize of 1 in hero form, but gets +1 for each tech upgrade he has in play. Protection is a natural fit because of tech upgrades like Energy Barrier and Forcefield Generator. The priority is still Tony's identity-specific upgrades because they provide more value, but if we're having bad draws, playing Energy Barriers and Plasma Pistols can help pick up the slack.

No Repulsor Blasting

Tech upgrades usually have a printed energy resource so it synergizes well with Repulsor Blast, but I've found the Repulsor Blasts completely unnecessary to still deal 30+ damage in a single turn thanks to Repurpose and Tony's other attacks. I've also personally always experienced negative return on the Repulsor Blasts, often discarding events like Supersonic Punch which can deal more consistent damage.

Power in All of Us

Usually, I don't consider Power in All of Us for Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, and Ingenuity because they're only played 1 time and can't get repeat uses from Power in All of Us but this works well for Iron Man because he needs as much help as possible during the early game and those pseudo resource generators help him increase his board presence. Because of that we also have tons of basic allies and Plasma Pistols to have more targets for the basic double resources.


Mar 25, 2025 domke123 · 1

Great deck, have you considered adding Gambit?

Mar 26, 2025 Meck71 · 92

I completely, wholeheartedly agree with you on Repulsor Blast.... until I'm holding on to a single Repulsor blast as the last card in my hand and looking down at Ready Pepper Pots lol..... Then it's Las Vegas rules