Card draw simulator
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johncox63 · 1
Ok - here's a relatively unique take on Maria Hill. To be fair - I'm pretty sure you could probably build a "better" deck if you just scrapped all the sidekick stuff and ally upgrades and just put in additional allies. However, in the 2-3 multiplayer games I've played so far with this, it's been incredibly fun.
There are basically 3 "stages" to this deck.
1) The "get the supports out" early game
2) The "Nick Fury - Agent of Shield" middle game, where you basically get a hero strength ally that won't be terribly concerned with consequential damage. You do end up flipping back and forth with Maria Hill a lot more than what I've seen in her standard decks during this phase.
3) The "Tag Team - Kill all the Baddies" End Game. You spend a bunch of time in Hero form here.
First, you want to get as many of the supports out as possible (standard Maria Hill stuff). Second, get Nick Fury out with Sidekick and as many of the ally upgrades attached to him as possible Once you are able to get Sidekick, Sidearm, Inspired and Reinforced Suit, Nick Fury is a 4/3 ally with 7 hitpoints. With Command Team and Field Agent you can activate him multiple turns each round and mitigate at least most of his consequential damage, all the while generating 1-3 all purpose counters on your supports per turn (in addition to any Reinforcements events you play).
Once most of the supports and upgrades are down, you can start pulling Side-by-Side pretty regularly, and then you want to flip Maria pretty consistently into Hero Form. I managed to get 2 side by sides in my hand late in the last game and, with R&D Facility, was able to build Nick Fury up to a 9/6 ally with Target Practice on his last attack.
Now - I'm fairly sure this isn't a great solo deck. In the couple of test runs I had with it there, being able to clear enough threat was a serious problem early on, but I'm open to suggestions.
Also - I'm definitely considering taking out Reinforced Suit and going with 1 additional support. Maybe another Command Team or R&D Facility. 5 HP (plus regular tough cards from The Pericles) seems to be more than enough for him.