Unleash Genosha

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Meck71 · 64

Daring Lime put a great decklist together that utilized recursion cards in order to minimize the downside of discarding so many cards to pull off magnetic combos. I cut make the call for Advanced Suit from Suit up which allows you to search both the deck and discard pile, and X Men instruction to pull allies back into your deck and ping off of X mansion. With the abundance of resources, it's easy to pay for things from turn to turn., especially after thinning your deck a bit. Every Ally(except Sunspot) that hits the table is an X Man so this deck has a ton of ready potential as well

Any cuts could be replaced with more allies, honestly. Don't even need uncanny X Men, just there for flavor!

Really had fun with this archetype and I think it could work well in any color if you wanted to utilize the X-Suite of cards to recur some of your lost allies.


Mar 07, 2025 Daring Lime · 3731

Great deck! I like the focus on the X-Men with this strategy.