Nick Fury - Joint Operations

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jasco · 13

A janky little Nick Fury deck I slapped together after playing his precon this weekend. Would love any suggestions.


Mar 16, 2025 Dunnston · 1

Is this specifically for multiplayer? Although it's not thematic, Avenger's Mansion and Helicarrier are must-includes to me for multiplayer. My opinions, though, not sure how the rest of the community feels.

Otherwise, I think this looks pretty good; I like the focus around Maria as a side kick. Only thing I can think of substituting out would be lead from the front, but it could be super useful in multiplayer depending on other player's comps.

Were you running into main scheme issues at all considering stealth suit's clause?