Venom Challenge - Symergy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chumpions Pod · 190

Welcome to our 2nd deck challenge for the Marvel Chumpions Podcast!


It only makes sense for Venom to have the Symbiote Suit, right? That is what we have here! But let's not forget the underutilized ally of Venom. Forget synergy with this deck, this is symergy baby! (Symbiote + synergy =) Well, you also have to add some more Symbiotes nemeses to the mix with Face the Past. Now we have some symergy!

Now, you will take the deck provided and make your own to gain as many points as you can. After you have played, please post your points, what difficulty level, what villain, and your deck in the comments for others to see and enjoy.


  • Must use cards already in this deck.
  • Must follow standard deck-building rules.
  • You can play any villain.
  • Can't use an already published deck from MarvelCDB.

If you want to log your plays into our Google forum, please do so and we will review the statistics!


1 Point:

  • Exactly 40 cards
  • Have Symbiote Suit and Venom in play at the end of the game.
  • Have all the Enraged Symbiote from Venom's nemesis set in the encounter discard or encounter deck.

2 Points:

  • Have a hand of 8 cards at the start of the player phase.
  • Have one of your base stats at 8 or higher at one point.

5 Points:

  • Have Venom ally do 18 or more damage during the game with their ability. (You will have to keep track with counters)