Iron Man - Protection (Solo Expert GG Mutagen formula)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LubosV · 1

This deck is was designed to beat the Green Goblin Mutagen formula solo on expert difficulty. I managed to do that on the first try with this version but the deck still needs a little bit more testing to see how consistently you can get those wins. The critical amount of energy seems to be a good answer to high-health minions while being able to put down tech to power up your card draw. Haymaker also seems to be a good answer to the 3-health guard minions while not being too expensive. I had to strip most support cards like the medical team or night nurse as there is just not enough time to play those. I am still unsure about Preemptive Strike, Emergency, and Quincarrier but the rest of the deck seems to be pretty settled.