The Louisiana X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EarthTwister · 51

This deck is loosely based on the new run of Uncanny X-men. What better way to represent that then play their leader Rogue with her sweet Cajun husband Gambit. On top of that this deck makes singular use of Uncanny X-men as it is one of the strongest cards in the game. There are a few cards in this deck that make a little less than thematic (i.e. X-23 who is apart of the NYX, Cyclops and Beast, who are in Alaska, etc.)

The goal of this deck is to make sure you're able to handle whatever the scenario throws at you. Go All Out and it's counterpart Push Ahead are in the deck as tempo cards, should you need them. They help you clear a ton of threat or hit a big minion, instead of using your basic activation.

The deck is also designed to get several readies per turn with Utopia, #Energy Transfer and Professor Xto get you ready whenever you need it.

This deck was a lot of fun to put together and play. It was really the first time I've experimented much with Rogue. Let me know what you guys think!

Check this deck out against Expert Mutagen Formula:


Feb 02, 2025 JacenSketch · 82

This looks awesome! Well made!

Feb 03, 2025 EarthTwister · 51

@JacenSketch Thanks! Let me know if you ever try it out!