A Fun Way To Play Solo Doctor Strange

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Daring Lime · 3279

The invocation deck is great! But it doesn't have a lot of tools to deal with minions. So for this deck, I added a bunch of cards that can help with that. Relentless Assault, Hulk, Spider-Girl, and Throg are all great at dealing with minions, and they're also all 2 cost aggression cards that you can play with The Power of Aggression. Combine this with the mystic package, and Bam! You've got a complete deck that can handle just about anything. If you need an extra kick of damage, use Toe to Toe after playing Seven Rings of Raggadorr so that the villain runs straight into your tough status card. Audacity is great for chipping away at the villain and pinging off status cards while paying for your Invocations.

In multiplayer I like to Sidekick Wong and fly through my invocation deck to support the team, or play protection and heal everyone with med team. But in solo, this is my favorite way to play Doctor Strange.

I've had a lot of fun with this deck, I hope it serves you well! Let me know if you end up playing it, that's my favorite part about posting decks!

I tested this deck against Expert Zola using the Ransacked Armory modular set and had a blast! https://youtu.be/Y63wGGGXfgI