Solo Black Panther Protection vs Expert Klaw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thebrandt · 885

This is a deck designed to defeat Expert Klaw. The goal is to stall Klaw by getting rid of his side schemes and minions while stunning him. You want to get Avenger's Mansion and/or Golden City out ASAP wile ignoring putting out the suit (one item is good to have so you can use Wakanda Forever if needed).

The trickiest part of this fight is controlling the threat. To that end you want to use the 2 thwart minions as often as possible (Honorary Avenger is for Black Widow). Shuri and Clea help block when you need to stay on Hero side due high threat.

Once you get Klaw's extras under control you should have incredible card draw and resources and be able to drop several big allies and/or use Tackle. Once Klaw is in stage II and you are built up he should drop in one or two rounds.