Spider-Woman's big friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Materiauser · 21

I have never liked most voltron decks. I find them unreliable because your ally can be at the bottom and then most of your deck is useless imo.

This deck fixed that for me since all three allies can be enhanced and are all quite fun to use.

Clarity of purpose is for wolverine. You hurt him for a resource if you need it, and he heals up on his own. He also has access to piercing which can be useful sometimes. If wolverine doesn't come out you can throw it on hulk and he is cheap enough that he makes up for it.

Remember that in alter you can look at your deck to see what hulk might discard if you want to use him for that.

also use teamwork and avoid hulks negative effect entirely.