Captain Marvel Precon Update (Core Set only)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DKMode · 2

Messing around with an upgraded version of the Captain Marvel precon, trying to only use cards from the Core set to see what that upgrading process might look like. Surprisingly there isn't a whole lot you can do here - all of the leadership cards in the core set are already included in the precon.

The "big" changes here are:

  • 1 additional Make The Call - this lets you grab allies more easily (especially Nick Fury).
  • 1 additional Lead From the Front - this isn't suuuper useful but an ally buff can be clutch, especially on a turn where you get Get Ready.
  • Took out Haymaker and First Aid and added 1 additional Emergency - neither of these cards are particularly useful imo. I pretty much never use Haymaker because it's too expensive for what you get. For First Aid you'll either be flipping to Carol pretty often to get the free draw and also accessing her solid heal, or using a combination of Cosmic Flight, Captain Marvel's Helmet, and allies to mitigate damage, so the additional heal isn't needed. Emergency is at least useful and cheap in a pinch, and maintains the Energy resource you lose from getting rid of Haymaker to power up Energy Channel with.

Pretty small tweaks in the grand scheme of things but helps you carry out Captain Marvel's precon gameplan smoother. I was able to true solo standard Ultron pretty handily with this; untested in multiplayer or Expert difficulty.