This deck engine is too powerful.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

billpurpleton · 11

This deck is broken. I used to think Colossus sucked, 4 hand size, and struggles to keep a tough to play some of his cards entirely lead to dead hands, and lost games.

The engine is simple though.

Go to alter ego, use Aspiring Artist ability to shuffle back in Armor Up. use Piotr's Studio and Weapon X to flip cards to try to draw the Armor Up. Discard or play out your entire hand except armor up.

Draw with a 6 card hand size from AE, you might hit Armor Up on the draw too. Soo many chances to hit Armor Up while also deck thinning from the discarding from Piotr's Studio and Weapon X .

Play Armor Up, gain a tough, draw from Moira MacTaggert , 6 cards in hand now. The villain attacks you, tough is discarded, draw from Iron Will. 7 cards now.

Play your insane 7 card turn while in hero form and readied because you didn't need to defend.

At the end of your turn, repeat the process, shuffle back in Armor Up, activate Piotr's Studio and Weapon X to draw an armor up. If you fail who cares, discard / play your hand. Draw a fresh 6 cards, hit Armor up.

If you think set up will be an issue consider that Piotr's Studio and Weapon X are essentially the same card. Add in Build Support and you are very consistently able to find these cards early. Colossus also gets to start with 7 cards in hand at the start of the game because of his set up ability.

The other cards don't matter too much, they are just some nice synergy, or nice to have once you are set up. Fill your deck with whatever expensive aspect cards you like so you can pitch your Made of Rage and Bulletproof Protector cards to play out these allies etc. These cards (rage and bulletproof) are somewhat dead cards early on, so just pitch them and keep digging.

I firmly believe if you run Weapon X Moira MacTaggert and Build Support you can swap in whatever aspect you like this deck will be A tier minimum, and S tier with some though put into the choices.

Colossus is broken, and playing this way gives so much value that you win even when the villain has piercing, just use allies to block or who cares, you have 14 fricken HP on a hero who is going to be DUMPING card economy on the board every turn.

If you are like me, when first hearing about trying to play Armor Up every turn for 10+ turns, you are probably skeptical, "it can't work out that consistently right?". Just try it, its stupid, I love it, Colossus is the best. I'm beating the hardest villains in solo and 2 player, on expert starting at stage 2 etc. While not relying on Tough or Stun or Confuse much, they are just extra value when they work.