Star-Lord - IPACing heat

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hammertime · 129

I love Star-Lord, it’s just so fun to play. I really enjoy the risk/reward, and he is so so powerful when you learn when to use his hero ability. This deck is super simple and improves in multiplayer:

1) Rapid Response, Make the Call, Call for Backup to recur Maria Hill (never gets old). Depending on the situation, the other allies a play a role. A particular favourite is Rapid Response Nova Prime back into play… 2) Recurring allies + daring escape + blaze of glory + flip down and recover is a classic. 3) Use build support to avoid the play restriction on IPAC. Use it when playing Sliding shot/gutsy move to increase the damage. 4) The card draw is crazy - you can have 8-10 card turns. Recur Maria, Daring Escape, IPAC, Mission Leader, SLs Helmet 5) All this combines into turns where you might take 2-4 encounter cards, play both sliding shot and gutsy move… you can easily do 40-50 damage/threat turns every 3 or so turns… and a reliable 15-20 every turn