Going Nuclear! [Honed Technique / Full-Body Charge]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Big Explosions and Grande Finale 5 4 1 1.0
Hanabi 1 1 0 1.0
Jubilation Nuclear 0 0 0 1.0

VillainTheory · 30202

Video here vs. Expert Four Horsemen: https://youtu.be/ooqqd1ecoIs

Apparently Jubilee can detonate matter at an atomic level. Yep, it's a real thing in the comics.


Honed Technique isn't optimal for solo play, but it sure is fun. Take it to multiplayer and it sings. So what can we do with it?

Full-Body Charge + Honed Technique + Jubilee's Sunglasses = 16 damage


This deck might not be a consistent Ronan-slayer, but if you like big damage? You're in the right place. Just remember cool guys don't look back at the explosions.


  • Archetype: Honed Technique
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Play Style: BOOM!
  • Recommended Player Count: 1-4
  • Ideal Aspect Partner: Justice/Leadership

Mulligan Priorities:

Simple Guide to Success:

This deck wants to get down Honed Technique and Jubilee's Sunglasses fast, then blast the enemy to smithereens.

  1. Use your alter-ego action Turn 1 to put Shopping Spree in play. We're aiming for Jubilee's Sunglasses - but can and should pivot to her coat if the threat goes out of control.

  2. In solo play, when safe to do and you have a hand you can spend alter-ego, consider employing the Iron Man strategy - stay alter-ego for a turn. Exhaust on Turns 1 and 2 to remove threat from Shopping Spree to get your glasses. Then, still on Turn 2, flip down to go nuclear.

  3. Don't forget that the extra damage from Jubilee's Sunglasses can hit a different target. It's just like Archangel's Angel of Death ability! Same for thwarting events and her Jubilee's Coat.

  4. Our Aggression events are still good without Honed Technique if we have our Jubilee's Sunglasses in play. Don't lose the game to playing Honed Technique when you needed a high tempo turn to clear the board.

  5. Remember that, for maximum damage, Jubilee wants to pay for her events with different resource types. And maximum damage is just what we're aiming for here.

  6. No doubles? No troubles. See #5 - for most of our cards, we don't want a card with two of the same resource which makes cards like Strength and Energy less desirable. And remember that the Power Of cards can have their two wilds be ANY resource (including remaining wild)! ...Now you could add the regular double resources back in and they would do well, but it's nice to play a hero where they're discouraged for a change!

  7. Don't get tunnel vision. Don't get too obsessed with the explosions. Jubilee is squishy and weak with 9 HP and 2 DEF. Make careful use of allies and status cards to avoid losing to damage. Trust in the process. You will annihilate your enemies as long as survive to do so.

  8. Multitalented - a basic event in a Honed Technique deck?! Yep. This card is really cool. If we need thwarting, it helps provide in a big way if Jubilee's Coat is around. It also helps keep us alive. Can't afford an attack and thwart event on the same turn to trigger both your signature upgrades? Don't worry, this triggers them both.

Good luck — baby you're a firework.


Jul 19, 2024 Caldias · 2880

Dang she's a big damage dealer!

Jul 19, 2024 boomguy · 2386

Bro I’m trying this immediately. Love it!

Jul 21, 2024 EverythingBoardgames · 14

I killed Venom Goblin Standard in 3-4 turns! But also lost to Sinister Six. With the right pulls you can destroy! Fun deck! My day of playing Jubilee is summarized as “having the best time losing most games” lol

Jul 22, 2024 SoloPlaythroughTrav · 7

Great deck! I just played against Ebony Maw and was able to stun/confuse lock and pile on the damage to EM and The Black Order minions. I did add the Hope Summers basic ally, since she can go grab a superpower event.

Jul 23, 2024 dr00 · 46333

looks fun

Jul 24, 2024 MAXFightMan · 1

Excellent deck! Love your content, dude!

Jul 25, 2024 joshieofsmeg · 1

Did someone say "like big damage"? ;)

Aug 07, 2024 Nuggette · 1

Cheers on another banger