Mall Rat

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mucklebones · 34

Fun little deck to get started testing out the mall rat. Can switch out ally for favorites. Jubilee doesn’t work as well with cards that make things cheaper she needs the resources for her bonus on her upgrades. So endurance reflex's resource cards that are not used much come in handy for her. Several basic cards work well with her. With her upgrade bonus hit and run can now possible be a 3 cost 5 damage 5 threat remove. To the rescue can be a 2 cost remove 4 threat card. She defently can control the villain better than any other hero. If you don’t like the basic cards. Can replace with upside the head and scare tactics to take advantage of the confusion’s but I’m sure someone else will build that deck soon.