Captain America - Diligent watch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Earth Dragon · 1483

Deck leans in Caps natural decent thwarting to instead look for ways to supplement damage through Beat Cops, Concussive Blow, and Followed. Spider-man and Jessica Jones are a bit interchangeable, but stuns and natural defense should hold you in hero form for longer then usual, and beat cops, confuses and allies can let you recharge and get back in the fight quickly.

While the curve appears high, once you get rolling, (2) 3-resource cost cards can easily get played in a single turn, often resulting in 9 damage, a stun and a confuse on the Villain, and your own activation to take care of side threats with the beat cops