Tonight's Forecast: A Freeze Is Coming

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

greekstorm · 27

After many play-throughs with Iceman, I have come to the conclusion that leadership is his strongest aspect in terms of getting the most out of his ready as well as his ability to stand up to stronger villains.

There is not a lot of versatility with him overall, but I still think he is very fun to play both solo and multiplayer.

This deck revolves around getting Cryokinetic Perception out early as well as Utopia and Uncanny X-Men. Superpower Training and Build Support should be used to play Cryokinetic Perception and Uncanny X-Men if not able to be played early on.

I typically take the hits or block with allies until Cryokinetic Perception is out in play. Then, I will typically defend to potentially get the ready and prevent more damage because by the time it is played my health is typically lower.

The more Iceman can ready, the more Frostbite can be played on the villain or minions in order to minimize their attack or scheme.

Uncanny X-Men will make allies become more affordable and last longer/take more damage, including your Snow Clone who are basically extensions of Iceman's basic attack. More affordable allies will allow more resources to be played towards signature cards as well.

Ice Slide works well if played early, otherwise it is it not as helpful mid to late game as you will most likely need to switch to Alter-Ego for healing or to recur Ice cards when you have a good opportunity to use "Cool Off."

Revolving Professor X and Beak will help with thwarting as well as replacing Chill Out! cards when able to.

Forge can be used to get Utopia to your hand faster or The X-Jet if you have the resources to pay it.

Colossus can take a hit, Mirage can stun, Triage can heal, there are so many fun combos to try with the long list of X-men allies. I don't often end up getting The Triskelion out there but if you have a long enough game, you'll be solid with 5 allies helping you out!

Now I am fairly new to the game, but getting better. I've moved on to standard 3, expert 1 with this deck and have been ok so far.


Jul 15, 2024 Dont_be_rash · 42

Always enjoy Iceman getting some love. "Cool" deck ;)