Iron-Brawn (Team-Up with Iron Man)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Brawnstorming Session 58 50 8 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Swarles90 · 7

As my first attempt at deckbuilding, I made two decks to play two-handed with Ironheart and Iron-Man. To see the Iron Man list, click here:

This Ironheart deck is built around two goals, getting Brawn out as your sidekick to help with resources, as well as doing some insanely strong attacking/thwarting. You also want to do the normal Ironheart upgrading to get your stats up to Go All Out for big damage. I was inspired by Tano Games' Brawn Sidekick build, and then saw Solo Marvel Champion's video where he had integrated Go All Out with Ironheart. This felt really good to me and decided to mash them together.

Once set-up, you can have some very high-powered turns!

Let me know what you think!